
Borough of Tamaqua

320 East Broad Street

Tamaqua, PA  18252

(570) 668-0300 Fax (570) 668-5818

HARC AGENDA September 2021

There will be a meeting of the Tamaqua Borough Historical Architectural Review Committee on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the Tamaqua Borough Council Chambers, 320 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, PA  18252, to review and act upon the following.

  1. The applicant is Alan Jadush regarding the property located at 343 Hazle Street in the R-4 Zoning District. The applicant is requesting to demolish a chimney that is separating from the dwelling. The applicant would then like to install a metal vent and siding. It would be visible on Hazle Street and Arlington Street.
  2. The applicant is Ulda Alcantara regarding the property located at 249 East Broad Street in the G-C Zoning District. The applicant is requesting to change a sign face with no size change. It would be visible on East Broad Street and Greenwood Street.
  3. The applicant is Alka Rana regarding the property located at 36 West Broad Street in the G-C Zoning District. The applicant is requesting to open a vape and convenience store with signs in the front windows 2Ft by 4ft.  It would be visible from West Broad Street.


  1. Approve minutes from August meeting.




Greg Kurtz, Jr.

Zoning Officer/Code Enforcement Officer